Pc principals
Pc principals
Are tacos and burritos Mexican style sandwiches?
you are now locked in to the pc principles podcast welcome, welcome, welcome.
Speaker 1:It is another day, a beautiful day in the maze, yes, pc.
Speaker 2:Yes, peace and principle podcast. We're fixing it. We're fixing it out here, people. We have a YouTube handle. We have Twitter. We have everything. We're becoming legit. Look at our fucking Twitter.
Speaker 1:Look at X. We're going to be social media drug dealers. We're dishing it all out.
Speaker 2:We're about to what Next week? We're going to record live on YouTube.
Speaker 1:We will go live on YouTube next week. You're going to see my beautiful face.
Speaker 2:You're going to see my beautiful face and pearly golds. I'm not going to say pearly whites, pearly golds.
Speaker 1:I'm going to rock all gold teeth, top and bottoms, look like a straight up trap god.
Speaker 2:Trapaholics mixtape. Yeah, anything bother you this week. Anything, go down in your workspace.
Speaker 1:Anything, we always kick off it's tape. Yeah, anything bother you this week. Anything go down in your workspace, anything. We always kick off on something like a little monotone, just a little something, something.
Speaker 2:Honestly, let's see. No, I found out that I got like a little pay bump because I transferred jobs. So that's weird, that's cool A little pay bump. I thought it was going to actually a um uh, I thought I took a pay cut for happiness, but no, I got a little pay bump, so a?
Speaker 1:pay complaint.
Speaker 2:There capitalist society means 25 cents, even though, yes, mcdonald's burgers have doubled put it like this I went from making I was in the 4500 or the 45 000 uh tax bracket. Now I'm in the $4,500 or the $45,000 tax bracket. Now I'm in the $50,000 tax bracket.
Speaker 1:Don't give people that information. You're a millionaire dude. Come on, I'm a millionaire.
Speaker 2:No, I still can't afford to live in California alone. I have roommates, but I'm in the $50,000 now I think I'm officially like you're a part of the, the one percent of the world if you're making 50k and above so you're in the one percent of people stacking bricks on their head and like taking those bricks. Supposedly I'm in the one percent of you know part of the problem with buying all these clothes and then sending them to like fucking guyana well, you know, they'll fuck themselves bundled into slave labor.
Speaker 2:So those stats are hell my iPhone, my fucking computer, my iPad, bro, Like I'm, I'm all for slavery.
Speaker 1:Of course, you know, you don't sucks about that, of course, back in the day, like 50, if you was making 50 G's you was loving good. If he was making 100 g's, you're damn near like balling. You know who 100k is balling?
Speaker 2:it was in the 90s who it was in the 90s? A hood, okay, all right.
Speaker 2:Patrick bateman days 100k was balling, a house costed like 100k bro, a house was like it's a bill now the same house, bro, you could find a house for like 200k and that was like on the higher end bro. Oh yeah, you was like you had a mansion. Damn, I don't want to lie because obviously I was a kid when my parents bought, like when they got their house or whatever, but I want to say they, it was a fucking foreclosed house for like 125 000 or something like that. That's lit, oh, that's lit. Yeah, it was three bedrooms, it had two separate living rooms and it had an attic. It's fucking crazy, but it was haunted as fuck.
Speaker 1:That's what I was going to say, I was like you got an attic. That shit was built on like an ancient fucking Indian burial ground bro. I heard stories about that house and don't throw names in it. Don't throw names in it. What? Because people? Don't want to get doxxed. You don't want to get doxxed, so let's just cut the names out.
Speaker 2:I'm just going to put their socials, don't worry.
Speaker 1:But I heard that place was haunted. I heard some stories about that place and it was really trippy yeah.
Speaker 2:What did trippy? Yeah, what did you experience there as far as like hauntings go, terrible nightmares all the time and I had a dream catcher and my nightmares got way worse when I got that dream like night terror level stuff.
Speaker 1:Night terror like I did, like sleeping in my rope that type of shit like your dreams, like somebody was sitting on you and like like not even sitting, just terrible dreams.
Speaker 2:I just had maybe an overactive imagination, but that fucking place was haunted for sure. You could definitely, I remember seeing footsteps, like literally you could see the imprints of someone like walking down the steps Because we had carpets, so you could see someone stepping on the carpet, but there's no one fucking there. There was one of the times I was like walking towards, I was walking in the hallway towards my room and I fucking saw a gigantic, fucking black figure just enter my room. It was bigger than my door. It just went straight through it. You were up, I was fully awake, I wasn't dreaming, I wasn't sleepwalking, it wasn't nighttime, the lights were on.
Speaker 1:I'm pretty sure it was daytime.
Speaker 2:Do you ever think back and think that it could have been a dream? No, because I don't have a history of sleepwalking.
Speaker 1:I fainted once in my life I have a story about that, all right. Um, so I lived at my auntie's house in east oakland really really like all wood floors type place, really crickety. It had, like it had actually a basement, like like you live in tornado alley.
Speaker 1:This was in oakland okay um, so I guess before I moved in there, I guess the um my auntie was living was married to some other dude and his uncle, I guess, died in that house. Okay, that's fun before we went in there and he was a fisherman or whatever. So there's one day my mom was going out and she was like, are you cool to just stay at the house by yourself? I was like hell yeah, dude, I got my game, I got my Nintendo 64. All good.
Speaker 2:I made the house by myself.
Speaker 1:This is one of those kind of creepy houses to where, when all the lights are on, it still looks dark in the house. Oh, that's one of those.
Speaker 2:One of those Terrible lighting.
Speaker 1:One of those weird-ass, weird-ass shit. So I and it's like 11 at night, midnight I'm gaming, it's just all the lights are off, it's just the TV on and me gaming in the living room I'm the only one at the house. All of a sudden, I hear like in the living room. You walk down the hall there's a dining room and you keep walking further, there's a kitchen and all the bedrooms are there All the?
Speaker 1:floors. I heard the faucet turn on Sick faucet. It turned on and you just hear water Running out of the faucet. Then I heard the Shower turn on. Nope, full blast Nope, and I'm sitting there I'm kidding you, not, dude. I almost feel like it was a dream, because it was just so crazy, really really trippy. I've never experienced Like paranormal stuff. I don't even believe in that stuff, even to this day, but I feel like that those just one of those events that happened that like kind of stuck me to this day. So anyway, so the water's running, I hear the water running in the shower, water running on the faucet, then it turns off and then I'm just sitting there like frozen in fear in the living room, like with the TV screen on. It was like some poltergeist shit. I hear like you know how your boots are wet and you're walking on wood floors and you hear that squeaky, like I heard that shit walking towards the living room. So basically, here.
Speaker 2:Here's what you're telling me.
Speaker 1:I was under the blanket sweating.
Speaker 2:This nigga basically heard the uncle come back after fishing. I don't know, bro, that's what I was thinking like nigga was about to take a shower and I was thinking about like I don't know how to explain what the fuck that was. That's a routine right there. You just heard someone go through their normal routine of it was weird. After they're finished fishing, they turn on the faucet, wash their fucking hands it was weird. Turn on the shower full fucking blast. It was weird.
Speaker 1:So I sprinted. I was just sitting there listening to this while I'm under a blanket on the couch. I sprinted full force to the front door, Went outside and just sat on the porch tripping.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I wouldn't want to go back in the house after that. No, hell, no After. Just the faucet but the shower, specifically because you can't explain that. A faucet but the the shower, specifically because you can't explain that I can't. The faucet can leak. Sure it can't turn on all the way, but you can maybe imagine. You can't imagine a motherfucking no, so I'm just like.
Speaker 1:I'm like, did I really like, was I tripping or what? Like it was weird? So I'm like sitting on the porch, just like contemplating going to my neighbor's house because I was friends with a neighbor, uh-huh, I was gonna knock on their door like midnight asking them if I could just chill and spend the night over there, right, they're gonna be like so what the fuck's going on?
Speaker 1:so I told you my mom was out. She was out at like some club or whatever, like partying or whatever. My auntie pulls up like maybe 15 minutes later while I'm sitting on the porch. She's like what are you doing here? Where's your mom? Middle of the night? Nigga, what are you doing? And I'm just like. So I hopped in her car. She drove over to meet her mom, where I just slept in the car that night, ate breakfast with the family, whatever. But those are just one of those like weird paranormal moments. I've had a few other ones. That was just really really weird. I don't know what the hell that shit is, because I don't believe in.
Speaker 2:I don't believe in ghosts I mean, you don't have to believe in ghosts, but shit, people literally have routines and if you don't necessarily know you're dead or you're not willing to accept it, you're going to go through your normal routine. Yeah, but what the hell?
Speaker 1:is that? Like? Is that a fifth dimension? Like? Is there a heaven? Dude, like? He seems to be stuck here he could have unfinished business.
Speaker 2:I mean, it could be another dimension where we never caught that fish. He never caught that one fish that he was looking for, bro, he never caught that fish. Or, like you said earlier, it's another dimension, where that's the ghost dimension.
Speaker 1:Sometimes you pop into reality sometimes you pop out because I look at everything subjectively still to this day like I don't believe bullshit. So it's weird that I had that experience and me still thinking like that. I'm like, but what the fuck was that?
Speaker 2:I remember we lived at this place called the Brownies. No, I'm lying. We lived at this place called Palm Terrence and they were like ugly ass townhomes, right One of the times. I think this is the one behind 7-eleven. That's the exact one, the exact one so information um over by bart uh, but anyways, so it was over in concord. It was nighttime and I just turned the lights off to the downstairs. And you know that moment when you turn off all the lights downstairs and you run upstairs oh yeah, that's like the only light on upstairs.
Speaker 1:You're like running against a demon for some reason. Yeah, dude, I could have sworn.
Speaker 2:I fucking heard my name, like I swear to God. I heard my fucking name as I'm like trotting up the stairs and that made me run up the stairs full fucking sprint. Another weird random story that happened at that place is one of my neighbors had like their mom was living with them at the time and it was so you can assume. The mom was probably like 60s, maybe 70s Walked into my house. I didn't lock the door, she just walked all the way upstairs because she didn't know what the fuck. She had dementia, I'm assuming it was something like that. But also it was a language barrier too.
Speaker 2:So we're just staring at each other like she's at the top of the stairs. How? So we're just staring at each other like she's at the top of the stairs. I'm looking at her Shit, 13, 14 or something like that. That would creep me the fuck out. I mean, it was fucking creepy, I still. You know, the funny thing is it didn't teach me to lock my doors or anything like that, but like ever since then I was like okay, yeah, yeah that people do walk into your house. It doesn't necessarily have to be someone trying to kill you, but you should lock your doors for that reason, because it's not like the lady had anything malicious. She wasn't holding a knife or nothing. She didn't try to smother me.
Speaker 1:She was speaking English.
Speaker 2:She wasn't even dude. She was surprised to see me in the house because she thought she was in her house. It was like that, so she was probably going through it herself, opening the door and being like what the fuck is this? This isn't any of the shit that I'm used to seeing. Goes upstairs, sees a random fucking person, random black kid. She's like a Latino old lady. What the fuck are you doing? Here, she was probably scared shitless too.
Speaker 1:Exactly that sounds like. Oh, that's weird. Yeah, she must have had some sort of mental shit.
Speaker 2:Something Fucking dude shit. It had some, some sort of mental shit, something fucking yeah, dude shit. Yeah, there was totally happening.
Speaker 1:There was this um this place I used to work at um. This place was called wood lake. It was a surveillance company and it was in the middle, like I lived out way out in the valley towards, like farmland, farmland upon farmland, cornfields, cornfields, cornfields, and there was a small town called wood lake, probably, population about population of about 2,000, 3,000 people, just a very, very small town, and this company was stationed in the sticks of that town, like on the outskirts of this town where there's like it'd be like maybe three, four, five farmhouses living close by, there were sets of events that happened over there that was like some unexplained, unexplainable stuff happening over there.
Speaker 1:Like there's one time I walk up because I would do the midnight shift, so I would go midnight to um seven in the morning, eight in the morning or whatever, okay, so we would go in there and relieve the people that was working there from like daytime to midnight. There's been a couple occasions where we went over there and um, there's one time I went to work and you hear these horses, dude, the sound of these horses. You know where the sound was coming from, but they were screaming at the top of their lungs. What the fuck like they were getting like slaughter type stuff. Like this is midnight. Did they have horses? They didn't have horses. No, it was surveillance company, okay, so it was like it sounded like it was coming from one of those farms around the area.
Speaker 1:Wow, so the company, like the area, also had to look like a pond where all these like ducks were chilling at All right, because one time we came out and it was like almost in unison dude, it was like 50 to 100 ducks All like wah wah ducks, all like like a fucking alarm clock, all at the same time. It was really really, really weird. It was really really weird. So there was this one night and this is the first time I've ever had a night terror, ok, and so I take my breaks at like three in the morning, and so I take my breaks at like 3 in the morning, and so I went to my car to just take a nap during my 3 in the am, whatever, and this is the first time I've ever had a night terror incident, and now I kind of understand what that is.
Speaker 1:So I fall asleep and then it was almost like I had a dream where I was like outside of my body but, I was like hovering over my car, all right, and then all four doors of my car were opening and slamming shut, like just opening and slamming shut, like continuously, while I was hovering and looking at it. And then I go back into my body and I'm like laying in my seat but I couldn't move, had that paralysis, that sleep paralysis thing. So it was almost like there was an entity sitting on my body, like I could see, like some dark legs on me and I could not move and I couldn't turn my head to see, but it was like I had a funny thing about that.
Speaker 1:I had a funny story, so um yeah, after like a certain amount of time I was able to somehow break out of it. So I wake up out of my nap. My whole shirt was wet, drenched in sweat, damn. And I look at the clock. I was only sleeping for 10 minutes. That's a straight nightmare. I just, I just woke up and I just went right back in the building. I'm like, uh, my co-worker's looking at me like bro, what the hell I was like I don't looking at me like bro, what the hell I was like.
Speaker 1:I don't know, dude, I don't know what the hell happened, Yeesh.
Speaker 2:I was running, apparently in my fucking sleep, I don't know what the fuck that was. That sleep paralysis, shit is no joke.
Speaker 1:As a kid.
Speaker 2:First and only time I've ever experienced that. I remember from like 13 to 16, I would get it really bad, where I would get into shit. Even I remember sometimes it happening when I still lived in Stockton. In that house too, I would go to sleep, but it would be that it would be that that that first level of sleep, where Before REM, before REM, where it's starting that the, the sleep paralysis, is starting to kick in, but you don't fully go to sleep, so you're still aware that you can't move and you're wondering why you can't move.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I've had that and I would get it a lot. I would get it a lot and be like what the fuck is going on. Obviously it's not anything paranormal. It had something to do with my sleep and I was having a problem with my actual sleep, but that is a fucked sensation to have not being able to move, but knowing that you can't move and being like I remember one of the times that was really weird.
Speaker 1:I was trying to literally scream to the top of my lungs just to move, yes, and all I could let out was a uh, yes, uh.
Speaker 2:That's all. That's exactly what that was. Yeah, it's sleep paralysis, bro. It's fucking. It's a weird, terrible sensation like you feel, like this ultimate despair, the, the, that that let's see that succubus, uh, sitting on your chest, or that feeling of a ghost not letting you. That's where that comes from, because in the old days, how are you going to explain that other than there's a demon that I can't see laying on my chest not letting me get up? Yeah, yeah, it's fucking trippy as fuck, bro. That's crazy. It's trippy as fuck. That would happen to me as a kid and I just wouldn't talk about it at all. Did it go away? It eventually went away? Yeah, because I don't have problems with it now, but I just remember not being, and being like this is the worst fucking feeling in history, dude.
Speaker 2:Yes, it's like ultimate despair. It's ultimate helplessness.
Speaker 1:Helplessness If a fire breaks out, you're just there, you're not doing it, you're not even thinking about the fire You're just thinking about like I'm like I can't move, I can't speak, I can't move, I can't do anything.
Speaker 2:I'm just a fucking inept mute at this to mute speaking of hopelessness. Oh my god, we gotta get into this. Jesus christ, all right, we hold on, hold on, hold on hold on who? Who, specifically who? Oh god, diddy the diddler. I'm sure we've all seen the video by now. It's made its rounds on social media and just on the internet alike.
Speaker 1:it was everywhere yesterday, dude.
Speaker 2:It surfaced yesterday. Right, it didn't look good. I think it surfaced yesterday. To be honest with you, it reminded me of Ray Rice from the Ravens a couple years ago, when he was beating up his girlfriend on an elevator. He like knocked her out, she like hit her head against the rail and everything and just fell lifelessly and he like picked her body up and was just like wake up, bitch. Yeah, it wasn't good. It reminded me of that, the feeling that you got when I was telling you that and you were just like ugh. When I saw the video yesterday, that's how I felt with it. I was just like damn, this does not look good bro.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, Well, he's in a bathrobe A towel, nothing on him, not even a bathrobe.
Speaker 2:Not even a bathrobe. I'm setting the mood wrong.
Speaker 1:And he had ankle socks. He had a towel.
Speaker 2:He had loud ass ankle socks on. I think it looked like Dr Sue socks and you see a Cassie with her hood on. I think like socks and leggings.
Speaker 1:Batty ass hoodie.
Speaker 2:It looked like she tried to sneak out in the middle of like they were about to maybe have sex, and then she was like, oh, I'll be right back.
Speaker 1:And then got her shit and go.
Speaker 2:He was showering it was maybe even in the bath and they got ready for her to come in, and then she just vanished on him. And then you just see him storming out. Catch up to her and just straight up Just what.
Speaker 1:Like pull what? Like pull her by her hair to the floor and start kicking her. Like grabs her by the neck or the hood or whatever, and he just throws her to the floor and administered two kicks. Like bro, what with the one two, the two, two?
Speaker 2:three combo. And then, and the big thing about that is, if you're doing that while there's surveillance and you know there's surveillance there what are you doing behind closed doors, dude?
Speaker 1:dude, he. He was walking out like in a like. The way he was walking out wasn't like like an abusive parent gonna grab a child like an abusive parent about to beat their kid's ass.
Speaker 2:Literally they broke some shit in the kitchen and then, as he was dragging her away, in the video it looked like that. And then he's sitting in a seat and it looks like he throws something at her. He throws a vase at her.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that goes crazy, bro.
Speaker 2:I think she's trying to make some calls like yeah, that, that that came out like really painted a dark picture dude, I already knew you were like a weirdo, bro, but an abusive weirdo is on another level, bro.
Speaker 1:Well, now you understand, like, why I think when she settled a lawsuit with him, it was somewhere in between like I don't know what the exact number is I think it was around $10 to $50 million, here's the thing and he paid to scrub that shit.
Speaker 2:I was talking to my mom about this, she said that she was watching something where they were saying that the lady got sick of living her normal lifestyle because she didn't want to work a 9 to 5. So that's why the lawsuit came out, which I think, like Cassie, because she's used to a lifestyle. If you're with Diddy, who's close to a billionaire, you're—.
Speaker 1:So she was going to take the abuse to live the lifestyle, and then what— Well, no, that's why the lawsuit came out, because she got sick of living a normal lifestyle again.
Speaker 2:Oh, after her shit with Diddy, after she left him Because she hadn't been with him for X amount of time, it's not like they were together this whole time, right?
Speaker 1:right, right, it was like 05-ish type era.
Speaker 2:Damn.
Speaker 1:That's hella funny dude.
Speaker 2:Right, like you know what man Fuck this nigga I'm going to go to hell.
Speaker 1:Fuck this motherfucker dude. Fuck this nigga. I'm going to read you a post I think it was a Diddy post on Twitter, oh shit. It might have been before you guys can do the research. Maybe let us know Podcast, we're live there.
Speaker 2:We are finally live. It's not just words now.
Speaker 1:It's up. This is so funny In hindsight, thinking back. If he posted this beforehand, I know it was not after, because after like it's yo, it's diddy, that's his body shape, like his, his, like whatever his body, there's a weird head glasses. Did he come out?
Speaker 2:with glasses? I think I don't, even I don't think so bro I think it's just weird.
Speaker 1:I don't even think he wears glasses. This was his post, he said, and this is like in bold letters enough is enough. For the last couple of weeks, I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and my legacy. Sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday. Let me be absolutely clear but you paid oh yeah, you did pay. You better pay that shit look brutal. Nobody want a some abusive ass. Motherfucker does not want that video out yeah, you gonna pay top.
Speaker 2:Doesn't look good, no matter what look, $10 to $50 million.
Speaker 1:How much is that to do? Is that 50? Is that 500? That's like 500 bucks.
Speaker 1:Look if I even thinking about a bunch of old lady in the face of the elevator dude and if I could just that's like 500 bucks. Look, if I can't even thinking about that, if I punch the old lady in the face of the elevator dude and if I could just pay 50 to 500 bucks and make her go away so I don't go to jail. Yeah, I mean, granted, I would never do that, but I'm just saying if I wasn't going to do that, I'm never just going to smash If I had somebody off 50 or 500 dollars and no jail time doesn't sound too bad, right?
Speaker 1:so I understand, diddy. I don't understand, but I do understand how you're trying to do that. But anyways, let me be absolutely clear. I did not do any of the awful things being alleged. I will fight for my name, my family and for the truth.
Speaker 2:Sean Diddy comes nigga if you don't jump off a building. Oh my god, bro, you are r kelly. I'm fighting for my life. Yo just like I don't understand, like nigga.
Speaker 1:If you're guilty, just admit it, like bruh I don't like, dude, you're, you're, you're rich and you're famous. Like you can go to any strip club anywhere and they're all gonna flock to you. Why do you need to act like? What? Do you need to be abusing these females, bro, like?
Speaker 2:what's not even that. I'm sure you could find a female out there that wants that abuse and that money.
Speaker 1:You could post If you're into that. You could be like looking for someone to be abused. You could go to a.
Speaker 2:BDSM club my nigga If you really have like anger, like that, and find someone who wants to be whipped and their hair pulled, and you chose to not do that. All that money and resources, you chose to not do that.
Speaker 1:Dude, he was throwing that vase like sitting there. It's like he was throwing like a tantrum bro, like what are you doing?
Speaker 2:Literally, I'm telling you, bro. They were like going, they were getting ready to have sex or take a shower or something, and she just dipped off and this nigga was like mad bro, like his property, left the room.
Speaker 1:And he was going cowboy. If he had boots on, it would have matched his like. Fists were like touching his thighs and his elbows were all out he was waddling with his towel really quickly.
Speaker 2:He was scuttling, bro.
Speaker 1:My nigga scuttled over to her real quick he went down that hall real fast, double time pulled Zoidberg, fucking pulled her by the hair like bro. This is crazy nigga seriously, he's done he's done.
Speaker 2:Between the allegations of the sex trafficking your son just getting in trouble with I think he had a rape allegation or a sexual assault allegation and then this video coming out, it's going to be really hard for you to recover. This isn't kanye level, where you're just saying like, oh, I'm racist and I'm saying things that obviously don't make any sense and I'm fucking crazy. It's no, you're physically assaulting somebody and you're getting accused of sexual trafficking children there's no question, like when you watch that video, there's no question.
Speaker 1:That's like straight up, like yeah, there's no assault.
Speaker 2:It doesn't even like there's no question. An abusive person can be like okay, well, look, they tried to hit me right there. I'm just defending my.
Speaker 1:There was no defense in there whatsoever. She was laying down and got kicked twice.
Speaker 2:They literally yeah, and she just like it's like she immediately went into like, let me just get into a ball like a fucking black bear is attacking.
Speaker 1:You know what that tells me? It's happened before multiple, multiple times and it was way worse.
Speaker 2:Fetal position let me not make it as hard, let me not make it worse let me just lay in a ball and maybe he'll lose interest.
Speaker 1:This thing literally did the bear method, dude so there was another video that surfaced online all right where he did like uh, I don't know if it was a TikTok or Instagram where he was way, way before Dude.
Speaker 2:she was hiding her fucking head or face or something like that? No, she was like under a blanket yeah, hiding her face or head or something like that.
Speaker 1:He didn't hit her or anything, but he's like it was really dark Something about like look how you're acting or you're wiling out or something.
Speaker 2:He was just talking. I'm not gonna say anything to piss him off, but like, leave me alone, let that type of thing, bro, it was, it's terrible, it didn't look good. Now let me ask you this did you see that video of andrew tate whooping that lady? No, I did not, oh my god. Okay, well then I won't be able to ask you, because I'm gonna ask you which one seems worse, because there was a. There was. So what happened?
Speaker 2:There's a video of andrew tate that was going around back when he was in the middle of the whole misogyny trying to get canceled, where he was saying his girlfriend and him do BDSM and he was whooping her with a belt like on a bed, telling her like she can't leave or something like that. And she was like she was crying, but like it came out, he was saying that it was just like it was all an act and she was into it. But it didn't look like that in the video unless she's Meryl Streep when it comes to acting. It didn't look like an act in any kind of way.
Speaker 1:If there's anybody that listens to podcasts into BDSM. I don't know what the line is or like what parameters they set. You have safe words.
Speaker 2:I've talked to people that do BDSM. Okay, there's no safe word. It would seem to me like if you're crying, that's not necessarily like a good thing.
Speaker 1:Yes, I would assume, so I don't think that's the goal.
Speaker 2:Of BDSM is to have your partner cry. I don't know. I don't pervade it, but I don't know. I mean, are there people that like?
Speaker 1:BDSM where you're crying in enjoyment.
Speaker 2:Hold on, that don't sound right, hold on, bro, hold on, let me see if I can.
Speaker 1:Just I don't know, is there audio to that?
Speaker 2:Yes, there's actual audio. That's why I was like it didn't seem like it was smooth at all. Yeah, let's see.
Speaker 1:He's an obedience. What the fuck is wrong with you, dude? I mean, you know what, if you're into what you're into, as long as it's consenting, it didn't All good. As long as it's consenting, it didn't sound. Two each are own People like their chest getting shat on. So I mean there's that. I mean, yeah, there's that, there is that. Did she come out with any allegations against him?
Speaker 2:There was no allegations against him. But here, here, here, here, here, here, here here, hold on, hold on everybody. Oh, oh, he's pulling it up, hold on, let me see if I can plug it in real quick. You're gonna hear this noise. I didn't think we're gonna play a video. Fucking podcast is making fun of me and shit, fucking bitch. All right, let's see, we're gonna it, let me actually see the video.
Speaker 1:You've already seen it. I just want to see it. Go tell the camera that I beat you when you don't do as I say. Don't say it. No f***ing English, proper English, no Slovak bulls***. Say it to the camera. That's not what I said. Say it. I said, when I said tell the camera I beat and you don't do as I say, I didn't say the word. Listen.
Speaker 2:Did I say the word listen.
Speaker 1:Did I say the word f***ing listen? What the f***.
Speaker 2:I didn't say the word. Listen, did I?
Speaker 1:say listen. Did I say listen, no, look at the camera. Did I say listen, no, did I say it. Did I say it, look at the camera.
Speaker 2:That's what happens when you don't listen, look at the camera. Why are you getting hit?
Speaker 1:Why are you getting beaten? See, see, yeah, that doesn't seem sensual at all, that doesn't seem consensual, does it?
Speaker 2:That doesn't seem consensual to me. That doesn't seem like everyone's having a good time Does that seem like BDSM, that seems like normal BDSM to you. I don't know what BDSM is, but it doesn't that. That's probably not that that don't look central. It's supposed to be central doesn't seem sexual in any kind of way.
Speaker 1:No, it just that didn't seem sexual.
Speaker 2:It seemed like dominating someone. Yeah, just in treating them like a child. What did I that come out? This was a couple years ago, because he was getting cancelled. How long ago.
Speaker 1:He was getting cancelled off of that.
Speaker 2:Not even off of this. He was getting cancelled because he was going on his tour of just saying his misogyny and just saying women aren't shit and shit like that. Then this also came out in the middle of it too, dude. So you have this video and then you have P Diddy. I mean, those don't seem like any of them no that doesn't seem like.
Speaker 2:Yeah, these just seem like abuse of fucking people. I don't know if you guys are into that. That just seems like abuse of fucking people to me. That looked like. That seems scary. I wouldn't want to be in that room, bro.
Speaker 1:It didn't seem like she was excited by that at all.
Speaker 2:In any kind of way.
Speaker 1:If you're into BDSM, you like getting spanked. There's a difference between getting spanked because you like it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and getting literally disciplined like you're a child.
Speaker 1:He slapped her straight in the face Like she shot his mother or some shit.
Speaker 2:Mind you, he's like an ex-kickboxer champion too.
Speaker 1:So it's not like he's just some fucking flabby douche. And then, like, while she was down a week and he started whipping her ass with a belt and said, oh my god, that was disturbing dude, seriously, that's why this nigga needs to be canceled, because he's spreading shit like that like you need to keep your women in check.
Speaker 2:Like that, let's like no that doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 1:A bunch of fucking stands. Here's the thing about. Let's just think of the thing about Andrew Tate. Is his followers people that really follow him? They have some grudge against women because they don't get women. I think that's. Most of his following is a bunch of people like that.
Speaker 2:It's people that want to live his lifestyle that he's portraying.
Speaker 1:Yes, and they feel like, because no fucking female wants to talk to them, they feel like, oh yeah, they're the problem. That's why women need to see about else, like dude, you're, you're, you're sick in the head, you got no personality and nobody fucks with you Cause you're a weirdo school shooter.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you got weird conspiracy theories in your head that that don't make any sense and you're just that's what an incel is.
Speaker 1:That's a whole. It's a whole thing, dude. Yeah, because the kids nowadays Like this new generation Of kids. They're hella awkward bro. I feel like that's every generation. I get it, but they're like Alright, look, I don't know if I were to ask like they won't even like to talk to customer service and make a phone call to be like, all right, let's set up an appointment. They're the hell, get anxiety off of just that interaction. This is really, really weird because cannot handle interactions.
Speaker 2:It's just, it's. It's weird, I don't know.
Speaker 1:It's social media or something bro it's something, but anyways, yeah that a lot of these followings are like people doing that people doing. I mean there's a bunch of goofy ass videos of people just like doing regular ass shit and they have millions of people watching them that's true so oh yeah.
Speaker 2:So all right, diddy bro, it's looking bad for you, bro.
Speaker 1:It's bad for him. I think you're gonna recover. Who else is it bad for?
Speaker 2:um did, did did dj?
Speaker 1:academics is he also was on the chopping block as well, he's on the chopping block for alleged rape.
Speaker 2:But here's the thing I remember he almost got under fire because someone was accusing him of letting a rape go down at his house, at a house party so you remember that too.
Speaker 1:I heard, I heard a little bit of audio, then that shit sounds really disturbing yeah so, and he was downplaying it hella hard like bitch.
Speaker 2:I don't care, that didn't have nothing to do with me, you were there, uh it was consent exactly you were there for a reason or some shit, like it was just blaming the victim, literally victim blaming yeah, she got a rape crazy. I think she did a rape kit and there was like his semen, like in her stuff and like yeah, and he was denying the whole thing and this was like In, this was like a public thing when he was denying it, like in his chat and shit Like that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like You're out of, like I don't know what the hell it is With these industry cats, bro, like that's just, that's some weirdo shit, it's little Little dick. Shit dude Little dick shit If I hear like if I'm inviting, like my homies over, because it wasn't just him, it was like some other dudes too. Yeah, if I hear something like if I'm inviting company over, and I got like some girls, over from like celebrity or whatever and like I hear some like screaming, like the screaming sounded really terrifying. Yeesh. Like, did you?
Speaker 2:hear it? No, I didn't. I don't even know what video you're talking about.
Speaker 1:I wish I would have pulled it up. But yeah, you just hear a girl screaming in the background while he's live streaming. And he comes in during the live stream and just like everything, and you hear just like some woman screaming, like a banshee in the background, which was allegedly her Jesus Christ, and then he tries to downplay that whole situation, acting like oh yeah, it was like like consent or like she was cool with it or whatever, like all this stuff. And then he was like making fun of it, like just really, really some dark ass.
Speaker 2:Well, you ain't gonna escape that fat. I just wanna let you know that. All right, that beard ain't gonna help you. You will be sitting in jail with r Kelly and P Diddy, my nigga. So make all your fucking jokes.
Speaker 1:That's why you're defending Drake, because you're a fucking weird fat loser, and good riddance with you to be honest with you, if some shit like that was happening in my household, nigga that person.
Speaker 2:I'm going, the door behind me and all you niggas are getting taken care of.
Speaker 1:I don't even know you anymore. You don't exist in my life. I've never known you.
Speaker 2:I'm calling a bunch of niggas and y'all are getting beat the fuck up and vanished. Y'all are getting vanished For sure. No, we're not doing this.
Speaker 1:To even take it a step further, like if you're condoning that type of behavior.
Speaker 2:Condoning it, downplaying it and making fun of it, calling her a dumb bitch, saying you were there for whatever reason you were there, for it was consensual. It's like, dude. It doesn't look good for you, bruh. You finna be canceled too.
Speaker 1:Don't worry, dude, this industry is like hella dark. Like why are people like that? Like all this stuff is starting to come out now Because they were sick before they had power.
Speaker 2:And then when you give someone that sick power, what do you think they're going to fucking do with it? They're going to abuse it. You think that fat nigga was an upstanding citizen before he got popular? No, he was this the whole fucking time. Now he's just popular.
Speaker 2:Who the hell goes and listens to dj academics, like he knows about the god damn children, children really. 16, 15, 14, 12 year olds, bro, that's the only person taking this nigga serious, any real person, anybody who actually listens to rap. They all listen to fantano over this nigga. I'll listen to a white dude with glasses, bald, with a mustache my nigga. I'll listen to joe button any day over this nigga for sure. And that that describes fontano too. You call him joe button shit. It's just a bald nigga with a beard, shit. I but dude like no man. I'm not going to dj academics for anything serious.
Speaker 2:No, you're a joke, bro. You're a fucking joke. You're a sick human being and I don't want to downplay that. You're a fucking bro. You're a fucking joke. You're a sick human being and I don't want to downplay that. You're a fucking sicko because you had that shit go down in your house and you straight-up downplayed it while on live, bro. That's another level of fucking sickness, my nigga. Real talk. You can't downplay that in any kind of way. You need to be canceled, bro.
Speaker 1:Hey, you know what? Right now A you know what. And right now a calum's right when he was talking about that people getting aired out this year. Yeah, it's, it's a down domino.
Speaker 2:I don't know about that nigga reading 5 000 books his whole lifetime or some shit, or 5 000 books a year or some shit, but nigga, he was definitely right about motherfuckers getting aired out. I don't know, I don't know about him literacy, but like for show, people are getting aired out for to this year people get aired out for sure, but damn bro, this is crazy.
Speaker 2:Um, no conspiracies, though. Let's get into some actual topics. Let's get in some actual topics here, all right? First one is rough. It's, we're going to continue this rough topic, so if you didn't like the last two, you ain't gonna like this one.
Speaker 2:Former raley county firefighter receives maximum sentence for sexual assaulting a minor. All right, uh. Petri pleaded guilty in march to one count of first degree sexual assault count one. One count of sexual assault by a parent, guardian or custodian or person of trust count two and one count of use of a minor in filming sexual explicit content count three. At Monday's sentencing hearing, raley County Prosecutor Attorney Ben Hatfield asked the court to implement the maximum sentence due to the explicit nature of the crimes, which took place between March of 2023 and July of 2023.
Speaker 2:Let's see, let's see, let's see. Before his crimes, my client, mr Petri, was a member of a high-standing in his community stated defense attorney, robbie Dunnapit. He served as a volunteer firefighter and it appears he is dedicated and selfless in that role. I believe that says something about his character. However, all right, that's the end of his little quote, or whatever. However, raley County Circuit Judge Andrew Dillmitch did ultimately impose the maximum sentence, saying several factors led to the decision. She, the victim, was essentially tortured by Judge. Dillmitch, said to Petrie and this was not a one-time incident, which wouldn't make it any better, but this is an incident that spans several months and I think the only reason that it is stripped is because you were arrested. All I have to go from is the pre-sentence report and your statements about the remorse and the feel and wait you feel and I don't see any. Uh. Let's see. Basically, I'll get. I'll get into it if this last uh paragraph doesn't explain everything.
Speaker 2:Petri was sentenced to an indeterminate sentence of no less than 25 nor no more than 100 years for one count. An indeterminate sentence of no less than 10 years. For what? 10? Nor? No more than 20 years for count two, indeterminate sentence and 10 years for count three. The sentence will be served consecutively or one after another, meaning he faces another anywhere from 37 and a half to 130 years behind bars. Okay, basically, this is what the dude did. Mr Firefireman responded to an accident where it was the little girls that he was molesting. It was his stepdaughter. It was the little girls that he was molesting, it was his stepdaughter. He responded to an accident of his mother and that little girl's sister, and they died Immediately after he, I guess, responded to it the mother, and the sister of the assault victim Of the assault victim.
Speaker 2:Immediately after, I guess, he came home, he filmed himself having sex with this underage victim. He raped this little girl on camera. There wasn't consensual sex in any kind of way. So after she heard that her parent and her sister died, she was raped by this grown man and that's why he's getting 130 years, is that?
Speaker 2:the actual. They give him the maximum. Well, he can face anywhere from 37 and a half to 130 years and it has to be served one after another. So his first count will get into it. Let's see Sentenced of no less than 25. Okay, so Petri was sentenced to an indeterminate sentence of no less than 25, nor more than 100 years for count one. So 25 at least just for count one. He got at least 10 years for count two and then he got 10 years for count three. So he's getting at least 37 years, regardless Minimum, even if you have good behavior, you're getting 37 years. This person is 36. So in theory they would get out when they're what? 72, 73, 74? Years, regardless minimum, even if you have good behavior. You're getting 37 years. Okay, this person is 36, so in theory they would get out when they're what?
Speaker 1:72, 73, 74 and then it looks like 180 years maximum, type shit uh, 130 years max.
Speaker 2:So I want to say one of these uh, let's see what a waste of fucking money.
Speaker 1:Let me out on the court. Just put him out of his misery. You don't have remorse when you do shit like that rested with a member of the because they were talking about. They were talking about torture in there too, it wasn't just well, because he was.
Speaker 2:I mean, he did it multiple times, he did it on camera uh, jesus fucking christ, that's dark as hell. Yeah, it's literally disgusting. They didn't say exactly what, but yeah unfortunately.
Speaker 1:You know how you got off him he's a firefighter right In a fire. Well, you could do that. There's three ways I would do it All.
Speaker 2:Right, let's hear him, I'm being morbid.
Speaker 1:I'm going to go morbid on you guys, so just mute this if you don't want to hear it. It's really, really fucked up. Oh God, fire is the easy route. Okay, put them in a fire and cook them like a fucking turkey. All right, open flame, char broiled. You can also boil them in water. That shit's way worse. Boiling in water is not fun. Put him in a big cauldron cold, cold water and let him feel it start to heat up to like 130 and then his skin starts boiling all right, okay, he dies I saw that.
Speaker 1:I saw that on that, uh, the you ever see shogun no they did that. They put the dude in the cauldron and he was like. They started him cold, boiled him as starts boiling. He's suffering so bad. He like slams his head multiple times to like try to kill himself because it was so painful.
Speaker 2:Yeesh, that's awesome too. I almost knocked over my whole mic.
Speaker 1:The other three is with like I would say with like a fire hose, highly concentrated fire hose that will blast him until he dies. That's fair. High pressured water that's fair, that's fair. Fuck this 130-year stuff, dude. Just off him, dude, man it's. We're wasting money, we're wasting time. There's no need to lock people up like that, dude.
Speaker 2:I don't even know anymore. Man. I got nothing, I got nothing. If you're thinking with kids, just I got nothing.
Speaker 1:Just dead up, dude, we're wasting time. I'm going. Kim Jong-un, we need to instill some communism in this democracy.
Speaker 2:This shit is crazy, son Bro, it's fucking sick.
Speaker 1:There's certain things that just need to go away from the normal judicial system. When it's something heinous like that, I don't understand the whole point of a 130-year sentence.
Speaker 2:Bring back cruel and unusual punishments. 30-year sentence I don't understand that. I don't understand the whole point of 130 years. Bring back cruel and unusual punishments 30-year sentence.
Speaker 1:I don't understand that, like I don't get it. Like I don't like I get it. There needs to be a judicial system for certain things, but when it's when it's torture of any child, like where you're recording raping the, she's already horrified her sister and mom died literally, and then that's that's what you decided to do you know?
Speaker 1:I'm saying like okay, 30 years, 180 years, like yeah, he's gonna sit there and you're gonna feed him every day like he's. He's not gonna be able to exercise or go to walmart, that's his punishment, right that's all you guys.
Speaker 2:You know what I mean he's not gonna suffer.
Speaker 1:That's his suffrage. I mean, no, you send him a hail on those three options.
Speaker 2:I don't know there's liberals out there like you shouldn't advocate for people's suffering.
Speaker 1:Fuck you liberals. You shouldn't advocate. Fuck you Republicans too.
Speaker 2:Fuck all of that. You're a psycho. Why are you talking?
Speaker 1:like that. You know what's wrong with you. You're still a human being.
Speaker 2:You know as a human, you should have rights why would you advocate for something that started with slavery? It's like nigga. No, this thing is a weirdo. We're not talking about none of this shit. We're not talking about the 13th amendment. We're not talking about slavery. We're talking about a nigga who literally raped and fucking destroyed some little girl's life after she found out her sister and her fucking mom are dead.
Speaker 1:I think once you pass a threshold, there should be a threshold level Okay. So once you pass this threshold, if it's kids raping kids, torturing kids, you're past that threshold.
Speaker 2:It's straight up. You're fired out of a cannon into the sun. It's straight up committee.
Speaker 1:You know what? Let's just have a Twitter vote. Everybody vote on what you want to do. You want the water jets, you want the fire, or you want to boil it alive? Just have it to the people. Leave it to the people, dude.
Speaker 2:I'm going straight, old school.
Speaker 1:Just like back in the road days.
Speaker 2:Kick them in a pit of gators bro Hungry them, just make it bad.
Speaker 1:Just get the fuck out of here you weird haters. Uh, hyenas, dogs, god, whatever, pick it, hyenas are gross. Pick it like make some money off a bunch of rabies infected mongooses or something like I don't know, a honey badger.
Speaker 2:He just doesn't need to be here. He's done. You're done, bro. You don't get to wander the earth, you're just dying. You're gone, you. You lost privileges to be around people and living.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry sir, that thought process in itself is ending me. It's really fucked up for me. You think about, I mean no, it's fucked up for what he did.
Speaker 2:That's what's really fucked, that is. I mean it's normal for me to want to have a violent response to something disturbing, and that's disturbing but you know what.
Speaker 1:You know what I think about that. Like um, who's that one person you're talking about with the whole gaza shit? Um netzi, yahoo, yahoo, yahoo, like when you do a war crime, shit like that, where a bunch of kids like you also are past that threshold.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, netanyahu needs to be like dragged by his butthole through the streets if you're gonna incur a war on another country or people, I mean if it's not justified like you should like. All these countries need to be seeking you out and giving you and put put the Twitter poll on your ass. You need Twitter poll.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean just wipe them off. Just wipe them off the face of the earth.
Speaker 1:Make it quick. I don't give a fuck, just like his whole like little fucking compound.
Speaker 2:bro Fuck it.
Speaker 1:The more I read about the whole shit that's going on in Gaza and all that, the more horrific it is.
Speaker 2:It seriously is, and it only gets worse. We're not going to get any better. This is going to be a dumb podcast, guys. Chiefs kicker Butker. Bashes's pride month tells women to stay in the kitchen. This dumb shit. Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker and he looks like a Butker Fucking asshole has been tremendously successful in his chosen profession Over the last few years. The 2017 7th round pick of Carolina Panthers Out of Georgia Tech has helped His second NFL team win three Super Bowls and in the 2023, he made 94.3% of his field goals in a regular season a career high and he went from 11 for 11 in the postseason.
Speaker 2:Butker's legacy of tolerance is a bit more complicated, unfortunately. Butker's legacy of tolerance is a bit more complicated. Unfortunately, butker recently delivered a commencement address at Benedictine College, a liberal arts institute in Atchison, kansas. This is the same college that once forced out gay basketball player Jalen Messersmith to remove a rainbow flag from his dorm room window. It would seem that Butker felt right at home.
Speaker 2:After delivering some incendiary comments about COVID and the President Biden, butker got around to what he perceives as a woman's ultimate and rightful place the kitchen. And I quote I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolic lies told to you. Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabel, you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabel would be the first to say her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm, on this stage today, able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I'm beyond blessed with many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all a homemaker.
Speaker 2:Then Butker got what he termed the dangers of Church of Nice. Okay, I guess he's getting into what he calls the Church of Nice. The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equality and inclusion. Butker said we fear speaking the truth because now, unfortunately, truth is the minority. Then, on the pride month which takes place in June, not the deadly sin sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify him. Butker has every right to say whatever he wants to such an address, but he also deserves the flack. He's going to get over it. Most likely he'll take it as one for the team in the fight against, as he put it, dangerous, dangerous gender ideologies. So he's fighting the fight against dangerous gender ideologies. So dangerous gender ideologies are telling women that they should do anything outside of the kitchen. That's dangerous. Don't do that. Go back to the kitchen, cook me up some tacos and shut the fuck up like what I've.
Speaker 1:You know what, you know who I find. Hold on, bro, what the who like nigga what I find that hilarious.
Speaker 2:This dude's a fucking moron, bro. Mind you, he's preaching something that he didn't get in himself. His mom was a fucking professional. She was a white collar worker. This motherfucker was a therapist, so when you were out kicking balls for the holy ghost, she wasn't supporting you. So that's why women need to all be in the kitchen. You fucking loser.
Speaker 1:Fuck you dude the fuck is going on here. Yo to be that stern into like your.
Speaker 2:Dude, he did this at a commencement speech. Come on, bro, Two women telling him that the greatest thing of all is you being a wife and a mother Like nigga. Who the fuck are you to tell me anything? You kick balls for a living. Stick to that. I don't come up to your job and tell you to take the cocks out of your fucking mouth. Go somewhere with that, bro. The weakest position of the nfl, you show up, you don't get touched.
Speaker 2:In practice you stretch and you kick it two times. A fucking game, most likely like bro. Shut the fuck up and kick the ball and dude, hold on. Colin kaepernick got blackballed from the nfl for taking a knee. This nigga goes to a college full of women and tells them to stay in the fucking kitchen because of religion. Nothing happens to him.
Speaker 1:I'm living in a fucking buffoonery land, the people, that the people are you fucking joking people that hate colin kaepernick. Support this party, support the shit of course shit.
Speaker 2:Of course they do. Of course they do. You guys are part of the fucking problem. This is bullshit.
Speaker 1:Let me ask you this have you ever heard of a trad wife?
Speaker 2:Yes, I just learned Traditional wife. Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:A traditional wife essentially embodies exactly what he's saying, those ideologies is a trad wife. I was like what the fuck is a trad wife? A trad wife is a woman that wants that Her vocation is a mother. Yes, her vocation is in the home. It's a home caretaker. Yes, I'm going to cook for my man, I'm going to massage his feet and I'm going to listen to everything he says, because he's the leader. Literally, that's what it is.
Speaker 2:He kicks the balls in the house. I guess I got to listen.
Speaker 1:And you know what? That's fine.
Speaker 2:I mean, if that's what you want, Some people like that shit you can't go to a college. You can't go to a college and be saying that's how they all should be Like if that's how you want to raise your family and your immediate nuclear family cool bro, keep that shit to your fucking self, guy, that, that is where it became the issue Don't go to college.
Speaker 2:Yes you're right. You went to a liberal school for the most part, aside from kicking this, telling this thing to take down his gay flag from his fucking window, which which is obviously fucked up too. But a liberal college, it's not BYU, it's not Brigham.
Speaker 1:Young, you don't go to a motivational speech and be like all women need to be in the motherfucking kitchen. Get your ass back there. Y'all, bitch y'all.
Speaker 2:Like, no Like bro.
Speaker 1:What the fuck, bro? Keep that between you and your fucking girl Jesus Christ. That is toxic, she, she probably gonna cheat on you fucking. Uh, who's that? Who's that? Who's the motherfucker? Uh, antonio brown, fucking him in the back with your stupid ass bro.
Speaker 2:This shit is crazy, bro. Why are niggas wiling like? This can you answer the question? Why are niggas wiling like this bro?
Speaker 1:I mean, it's a lifestyle dude if his problem was going out and saying that all women need to be that way for hippity hoopla. They always you know what's funny? It always goes back to some like religious shit it doesn't make sense god wanted it this way.
Speaker 2:The man needs to lead it doesn't make sense, like bitch, like ah, it's terrible, all right now. Now we're gonna bring into another topic. I'm about to ruin some childhoods with this one. Nickelodeon's Lori Beth Denberg speaks out on Dan Schneider's abuse. Lori Beth Denberg is the chick from all that bigger, bigger lady. She was 18 years old on that show. She's literally 18 years older than me. Have you seen her recently? She looks the same. She's my guy, my guy, she does not. Oh, she looks very similar.
Speaker 1:The years have not been nice to her. They weren't good back then. She looks butchy now. She looks like she's hardcore now that's not even that.
Speaker 2:She just looks like she lived a rough life. I don't know, dude.
Speaker 1:You know who I saw on uh youtube. I was doing an interview. You know that dude, uh, who's? Those two twins on a boat?
Speaker 2:two twins on a boat, those twins, uh, zach and cody oh yeah, yeah, suit life and zach and cody, yeah, so those one before they're on a boat or whatever dude.
Speaker 1:he was doing an interview on YouTube that my girl was watching and he looks like he looks toe up too.
Speaker 2:Yeesh, something about Nickelodeon, bro, disney in general, just child stars, they shouldn't exist. Ariana Grande looks like you got to make everyone make.
Speaker 1:She looks like a skeleton now. She looks like she has bulimia bro.
Speaker 2:Angelina Jolie effect Big bobblehead ass, bro. Childhood stars should not exist. Everyone, you know it.
Speaker 1:It just needs to be adults acting like children everywhere there's some full-grown adults that made it out all right, but that's like not enough, not enough. I think, uh god, what's that? One girl, she's a blonde, not lindsey lohan. The other one, hillary duff, hillary duff, she turned out. All right, she got out, it's the only one. But I think her parents were actually like locked in, like yeah, bro, if you had some fake ass half-ass parents, bro, it'd be bad beathers for you.
Speaker 2:So I'll get into it a little bit. It was 1995, around dan uh, denberg's 19th birthday and Nickelodeon hit comedy show All that had recently wrapped its first season. Dinberg was the shows uh, one of the show stars. So when Schneider, the head writer of all that, heard that the female producer had met with Dinberg to discuss her weight gain, he was angry. Dan Schneider told Dinberg that he should had been the one to have the conversation. After all, he understood what it was like to be overweight, because dan fucking whatever the schneider's a fat, overweight weirdo. Uh, at first denberg appreciated the support. But the conversation shifted and before denberg realized it, schneider started showing her clips of pornography on his computer. The grand finale, denberg said, was the video in which a woman performed oral sex on a donkey. I feel like that's the first time he preyed on me, denberg told business insider during her four seasons starring in all that between 1994 and 1998, denberg said Schneider put her in countless uncomfortable situations. She said he lashed out at her on set, played porn for her on multiple occasions and once initiated phone sex. That looking back, she's disturbed by the power imbalance between her and Schneider, who was a decade older than Denberg and one of the most powerful people working on all that.
Speaker 2:Schneider built a children's television empire at Nickelodeon in the early 2000s, creating shows like the Amanda Show, drake and Josh and iCarly like the Amanda Show, drake, josh and iCarly but his legacy has been marred by accusations of inappropriate behavior. In a 2022 BL investigation, people who worked with Schneider said he requested on-set massages, pushed for young actors to wear revealing costumes and inserted sexual innuendos into his shows. The recent documentary quiet on the set the dark side of kids tv reported further allegations, with jenny kilgan, a writer of the amanda show, saying schneider showed writers porn on his computer while they worked. He was constantly testing those around him seeing how far I can push this person. Denberg said so. It seems like schneider was just a monster on set in general and, uh, that power balance was allowing him to just act however the fuck he wanted, because denberg wasn't the only person who was getting that that weird side of schneider. Uh, the person for the amanda show, amanda binds, was also getting that weirdness too.
Speaker 1:Drake bell came out. He had a. I think he has a netflix like documentary or something where he comes out talking about the industry and how fucked it was I can imagine.
Speaker 2:I can imagine he's had a rough life growing up. Um unfortunately, unfortunate to him, but uh yeah they have.
Speaker 1:They have clips from like those, um, those shows and you know my kids used to watch those shows. I grew up on those shows. They have a bunch of scenes where they're showing bare feet.
Speaker 2:At least Quentin Tarantino's making rated R movies. This nigga's just showing kids. Yeah, it's fucking weird bro.
Speaker 1:He's like the Harvey Weinstein of children. It's like fucking.
Speaker 2:Literally he's the Harvey Weinstein with children bro.
Speaker 1:Come on, Schneider Get your shit together Fucking weirdo yeah, the fact that the industry allows those type of people to like excel Excel.
Speaker 2:Like showing porn. To your writers and to the actors on the show.
Speaker 1:And nothing happened throughout the whole thing. So it's like Nothing who's guilty, like everybody's kind of guilty. That's an adult associated with that, everybody, everybody's guilty and almost everybody they came out of that shit's kind of fucked in the head aside from hillary duff. Aside from hillary duff, justin timberlake, maybe him too. Britney spears is screwed in the head she's's over there, she's donezo. She's dancing bare feet with fire.
Speaker 2:She's over here Her videos are weird Running through her money like a fucking banshee. Bro. Yeah, she's on some other shit. Just send me some money, britney, please. I'm poor bro. Just send me some money.
Speaker 1:I've always supported you.
Speaker 2:I'm not that innocent.
Speaker 1:I've listened to all your songs.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, I bought your posters. Oh my God, I just the shit news keeps coming, but eventually it's going to get better. One more topic I swear it'll get better. Teachers accused of having sex with two students says she ruined her dream job with stupid mistakes. Jury hears oh my God. This person looks like some fucking weird ghost from England or some shit, he looks like fucking.
Speaker 1:I don't know.
Speaker 2:What is this guy? What is that dude? What's Dr Strange? If he had a sister, it looks like Benedict Cumberbatch If he had a sister. No, that's fucked up to him.
Speaker 1:That's fucked up to him.
Speaker 2:He didn't do anything.
Speaker 1:He didn't do anything. He's a nice looking guy.
Speaker 2:This lady's a terrible person. She doesn't look anything like him. Okay, so a teacher accused of having sex with two or I'll get into it. Rebecca Jones denies having sex with two boys but admitted in Manchester Crown Court to have broken the safeguarding rules by being in contact with them on Snapchat and having them back to her apartment in Salford Quays, bruh. They went back to your.
Speaker 1:You already knew what's up. Did they high five? You think You're fucking for sure?
Speaker 2:The 30-year-old was already suspended from her job and on bail for alleged sexual activity with a boy 15. Okay, roles reversed.
Speaker 2:Roles reversed, it's sick in the head Hold on 30-year-old, was already suspended from his job and on bail for allegedly raping a girl 14 or 15. It would not be sexual activity. That is rape. There's no way a 14 or 15-year-old can consent to this in any kind of way. This is rape. It doesn't matter what this person looks like. We need to stop judging books by their covers. It doesn't matter if this person's blonde or not. It doesn't matter if they're mildly attractive or not. It doesn't matter if they look like a ghoul or not. This bitch raped those kids. Yes, that is a rapist.
Speaker 1:That is a rapist teacher.
Speaker 2:If they were 16, this bitch raped them if they were 16.
Speaker 1:They can get married. In certain states they're not 16, that is a 15 year old. This bitch is raping them.
Speaker 2:There is no consent. At what point did she ask the 16 year old's parents if she could have sex with them?
Speaker 1:they did that didn't happen because they were 15.
Speaker 2:It's illegal, so it's fucked up that we sit here and play these games with women like she's not a fucking sick rapist. If that was a dude, he obviously raped those girls.
Speaker 1:The 36 year old firefighter.
Speaker 2:The 36 year old firefighter.
Speaker 1:There's gonna be a 36 year old firefighter. There's gonna be a lot of disney. Yeah, that wasn't yeah, I'll get that shit.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you turn it down, you turn it out the person still deserves to be in jail, even if you're consenting, because you're a child, you can't even consent to working legally. Bitch, yes, sit, yes, sit your kid ass down, I don't know Okay.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there is a dynamic in, like the view of it it's fucked up. It's very skewed dude.
Speaker 2:It's very skewed. This bitch is a rapist and she's a ghoul. She is a ghoul, just like someone who looks like Steve Buscemi. If he was a fucking like if's like a fucking loser, it's like Casey Anthony, just like some average fucking nobody.
Speaker 1:Dude, there's plenty of 15-year-olds that would tap that Hell yeah, high five.
Speaker 2:Sure, there's plenty adults that would tap that. You didn't choose any of that. You had to have some weird Dan Schneider power balance that we just got out of talking about. We can't get away from it.
Speaker 1:She took advantage of dudes that have their hormones high at that point. That's fucked.
Speaker 2:No, she didn't take advantage of anything.
Speaker 1:She literally was raping children.
Speaker 2:She was raping children. She didn't take advantage of anything. She manipulated and raped children.
Speaker 1:I'll take advantage.
Speaker 2:Fucking, raping children, bro. It's disgusting. This bitch deserves to be under the jail. There's no, no, okay. You didn't risk your dream job. Your dream job involved children because you wanted to be around children, because you're a fucking chomo. You're. It was only your dream job because it allowed you access to 15 year old boys, because you're a sick fuck. That's why it was your dream job jeez, I mean is there another reason?
Speaker 2:because you obviously don't care about teaching bitch, because you decide to have sex and rape these kids instead of teach, you invited them back to your flat. You're a dumbass. There's no kind of—what are you doing If a dude invites a 15-year-old back to his flat— oh easily Nigga's guilty.
Speaker 1:No question, no question.
Speaker 2:You're guilty as fuck. This bitch is guilty. This bitch is guilty as fuck.
Speaker 1:Well, you know what's weird about that? The whole dynamic. This bitch is guilty.
Speaker 2:You're still guilty.
Speaker 1:Do you think that when people look at the stuff like that, with younger males and older females and younger females and older males- I think they try to consider penetration as no. Do you think there's a stigma there?
Speaker 2:The stigma is because the woman's being penetrated. A man still, a boy still, has a choice. No, you're still a child.
Speaker 1:I'm not saying the boy has a choice, but like do people view it?
Speaker 2:differently. They view it differently because a penis is going into something. That's why they're viewing it differently. If she was pegging these children, I'm sure she would be called a rapist. She is a rapist, obviously, but I'm sure she would be called this in the article specifically. If she was using a dildo on these children and sticking up their ass, she'd be a rapist. It wouldn't be consensual sex in any kind of way. It wouldn't be.
Speaker 1:they had sex at the flat Is anybody saying otherwise with her? And these 15-year mean it's a 15 year old, it's fucking rape. I mean it's right, it's rape they're 15 you're 30.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes, yes, I get that even if you're 21, it's still rape. You're fucking weirdo. If you're 18, it's still rape. It's just. I just don't get it. I don't get, I don't get it. So it's fucked up that we like to. We like to play these mental gymnastics. If someone isn't ugly, that will use different terms, when in reality, we like to play these mental gymnastics. If someone isn't ugly, that will use different terms, when in reality we need to use a blanket term Fucking rapist raped a 15-year-old boy Two of them and then tried to lie and say it was the dream job. You're a fucking rapist. No one believes you.
Speaker 1:Yeesh, hey, a lot of people will take those teaching positions just because they're into that age group.
Speaker 2:Literally, literally, people will take those teaching positions just because they're into that age group.
Speaker 2:Literally, Literally. That's what's really scary. I'll get a little more into it. Joins denies that the sexual activity took place with a boy at whom semen was recovered from her bed sheet. In the court she also maintains that the relationship with the boy B only began after he had left school and she had lost her job. So no legal offense was committed. The court heard how she later wrote to Boy B saying every inch of you is perfect. You were all I ever dreamed about. Joyne said that this was a year after he left.
Speaker 1:I was in love with him.
Speaker 2:I was pregnant with his child. She also describes teaching as her dream job, but said she had ruined her chances of working in the profession after making mistakes mistakes of raping children. On Tuesday, the defendant was cross-examined by Joe Allman, prosecuting for a second day, as he pointed out similarities in both cases. In both cases, mr Allman alleged that the boys were 15 when she began talking to them, taking them into her flat, and she communicated with both on Snapchat, where messages were deleted and not recoverable by police. So you're a guilty bitch, dude. She gave them up. Real tough, tough, real tough, real tough. So you're a sicko.
Speaker 1:That's master manipulation right there. You don't need to be a teacher ever.
Speaker 2:You're a sick person and you were pregnant by one of the boys too she's facing jail time by chance. Um, fuck me, I should have kept the thing up. Yeah, I should have. I should have kept it up. I would imagine she would. I would imagine that you're gonna get some sort of jail time because the boy semen was found on your bed sheet.
Speaker 1:So that's the thing that's kind of underplayed, though, like when there's older females like raping boys, like that's. That's one of those things, like, like I said, the stigma part, where that's kind of like swept more under the rug because I know that shit happens a lot more.
Speaker 2:There's not as many stories well, dude, just in the past couple years, how often do you see a woman teacher having sex with her students? It happens all the the fucking time it happens all the time.
Speaker 1:But is it like? What is the gap? I wonder. Like, are there a lot more dudes doing that? It seems like it is. It probably is Cause dudes are sick in the head. I don't need to do it.
Speaker 2:I think it's equal.
Speaker 1:I think it's 50, 50. I don't think it's equal dude. Lot of sick women out there. There are sick women out there, but there's a I think males are I don't know dude like like the male biology is like a dominant kind of a thing, so I think we're more prone to being that sick in the head type of dude. So I think it's 70 30 in my opinion all, right, now I'm going 60, 40.
Speaker 2:I'll go 60 male, 40 women I'll meet you halfway.
Speaker 1:I'll go, you know, 45, 65, whatever All right, fair enough. Either way that's.
Speaker 2:It's too much. It's too much, that's predatory. We got too many predators and we need to start punishing these motherfuckers appropriately and start shaming them appropriately. She didn't have sex with these two 14-year-old boys. She raped them. Come on, 14-year-old boys, she raped them. Come on. What are we doing here, guys?
Speaker 1:They got to be at least 16 so they can consent in like 30 states Seriously, you get married at 16 in 30 states. How sick is that.
Speaker 2:It's disgusting and we need to fucking do better as a country. Alright, so I got some way less upsetting news. Let's end it on a high note. We're definitely going to end it on a high note, don't worry about that. 47 cities in Ohio have placed a ban on marijuana stores. Bro, that's not a high note. We're not ending it right here.
Speaker 2:The Ohio initiative that legalized recreational marijuana, approved by voters last year, allows cities to opt out of allowing marijuana sales. So far, dozens have chosen to do so. To opt out of allowing marijuana sales. So far, dozens have chosen to do so. According to a new report from Ohio State University's Drug Enforcement and Policy Center, 47 cities and townships have chosen to pass temporary or permanent bans on licensed distribution of marijuana, making it illegal for marijuana stores to open within their boundaries. This represents 2% of the state's over 2,000 cities, townships and villages. Notably, none of the state's most populated cities have enacted such policies, with the average population of cities implementing bans being around 20,000. One factor that might be contributing to fewer Ohio cities imposing bans than other states. In. What the fuck did I just say what? Why, why, okay? Did I just say what? Why, why, okay?
Speaker 2:While the current law gives communities the power to prohibit adult use cannabis operators from their jurisdiction. It also created an incentive for municipalities. Marijuana tax revenue goes into the host community fund, which is distributed among cities, towns that allow marijuana sales. This revenue, along with local sales tax collected from the sales of recreational marijuana, can be used by communities to fund their own properties. The research notes.
Speaker 2:I'll get a little more into it. Under Ohio's marijuana law, if the states issue a license to a potential marijuana business, the locality in which it would be located has 120 days to enact an ordinance banning such outlets. If they do so, the business has 60 days to cease operations or start a process of initiating a petition that could put the issue to a vote of the people in the next general election. So now I finally figured this out a little more. All right, so you and I are starting a business in Ohio.
Speaker 2:You and I are starting a business in Ohio. Wherever we're going, the location has 120 days to enact an ordinance banning such outlets, so banning our place. We then have 60 days to either cease operations immediately or we can start a petition in which the people are going to vote. That's what that means, so they have a chance to shut it down. As soon as we put a shop up, we have 60 days to take it back down if that city does not want weed in their area and this is all of Ohio. If they don't want it in that city, they have 120 days to get you to shut that shit down. That's fucking crazy. Nah, we want it up 60 days to cease operations or start a process of initiating a petition that could put the issue to a vote of the people in the next general election.
Speaker 2:So maybe that buys you time, or do you get shut down in the meantime?
Speaker 1:You're probably getting shut down in the meantime.
Speaker 2:So they're just banning that shit in Ohio.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So Ohio is pretty much like yeah, you guys wanted it, but fuck you, we don't care what you want, we're fucking mostly Republican State. You guys suck our dicks and balls, yeah. Now alright, on to some actual funny news, and we'll end it on this Indiana judge rules tacos, burritos are sandwiches. Alright, in a 2019 commercial.
Speaker 2:In 2019, commercial developer and restaurant owner Martin Quintana sought a zoning change for a strip mall to avoid remonstrators from residents in the Covington Creek Condominium Association. Quintana agreed to written commitments, including one about restaurants, with the neighbors to get a planned commission approval. It worked. The famous Taco Mexican Grill, which sits east of Glenbrook Square Mall in Fort Wayne, wanted to expand into the Strip Mall at 6626 West Jefferson Boulevard. That's southwest why the fuck are you telling me this? Southwest of downtown and near Covington Plaza? I don't know where that is. In 2022, quintana made plans for a famous taco to open his Quintana Plaza strip mall.
Speaker 2:The neighbors cried foul, but worked out an amendment to the written commitments to allow the restaurant the plan. Commission, though, didn't approve the amendment. Kwatuana sought a judge's review. Okay, the commitment that caused the contention had been designed to keep out traditional fast food restaurants. All right. So here's the rub, a sandwich bar style restaurant whose primary business is to sell made to order or subway style sandwiches, which, by way of example, includes but is not limited to subway or jimmy john's, but expressly excludes traditional fast food restaurants such as mcdonald's, arby or Wendy's, provided that any such restaurant shall not have outdoor seating or a drive-thru service. For the avoidance of doubt, the sale of alcohol beverages is expressly prohibited upon real estate.
Speaker 1:Why the fuck? Why can't they get to the goddamn point? They're talking about lawyer shit. I don't know. Prohibitive La-di-da-di-da. Are we selling tacos or fucking not?
Speaker 2:so. In his ruling, the judge wrote the proposed famous taco restaurant falls within the scope of the general use approval in the original written written commitment. The proposed famous taco restaurant would serve made toorder tacos and burritos and other Mexican-style food and would not have outdoor seating, drive-thru service or serve alcohol. The court agrees with Quintana that tacos and burritos are Mexican-style sandwiches and the original commitment does not restrict potential restaurants to only American cuisine-style sandwiches. So this nigga, literally here's the rub, right here.
Speaker 1:Whoever?
Speaker 2:wrote this article needs to be shot in the face. They do. Wishtvcom, don't fucking write any more articles. You guys suck. Okay, here's the thing. Cuentano was like bruh. I am serving Mexican style cuisine sandwiches All right. Tacos and burritos are technically sandwiches. I don't have a drive-thru, I'm not serving alcohol and these are ready-made sandwiches. Tacos and burritos are ready-made sandwiches, okay, okay. What's the problem here? The judge ruled that a taco and a burrito is a ready-made sandwich. It just happens to be Mexican. Now, there's no problem. The people are pissed because they're like nigga. This is Mexican food. This is not a ready-made sandwich. This Mexican dude is like nigga. This is a ready-made sandwich. It's a taco. They're trying to ban this shit under the pretense that it's a sandwich or not a sandwich. They're trying to ban it under the pretense that it's not American-style cuisine. So mild racism. So mild racism, mild racism. Oh my God, it's not American style sandwiches. I lost 50 brain cells on the longest.
Speaker 1:Lawyer talk about a fucking sandwich. Why did they do it so complicated?
Speaker 2:Literally all this means is you won't be able to open a restaurant if you didn't have American style cuisines. The judge was like well, these. Mexican food is also sandwiches. It just happens to be mexican style.
Speaker 1:Yes, okay, sandwich, the people are like type of bread. It's called a fucking tortilla or a pita or a pita you know like, or whatever, a calzone, you know. I mean you put two rocks between some peanut butter jelly, that's a rock sandwich.
Speaker 2:What constitutes a sandwich? Nothing, I mean. A taco's a fucking sandwich, bro. It's a taco. Look, a burrito's a sandwich.
Speaker 1:It's just rolled. You get two females and a male in between. That's a human sandwich.
Speaker 2:What's a taquito? A fucking sandwich. It's just rolled. Why did they make it so complicated, andrew? Why did they make it so, andrew? Why did they make it so?
Speaker 1:complicated, I don't know. I think he, I think whoever's writing it was trying to sound like he's a lawyer, but you're not a lawyer, you're an asshole.
Speaker 2:You made me not get to the point so long. What the fuck?
Speaker 1:why are you trying to ban a taco by trying to classify it as they said fuck your.
Speaker 2:Mexican food. Fuck, you stay out of my fucking city. And they were this, this Cuant. This was like yo, my nigga. These are, these are Mexican cuisine style sandwiches. Bruh, I'm here, we in here, nigga, we in here. I don't give a fuck. That's actually shove it up your ass that's kind of amusing it is the judge ruled in his favor so he can have his shot. Oh, okay, it's Mexican-style cuisine sandwiches ready to eat.
Speaker 1:You know I'm not mad at it. I'm never calling that shit a taco again.
Speaker 2:I'm from this day forth. It's a.
Speaker 1:Mexican-style sandwich. It's a Mexican-style sandwich?
Speaker 2:I would never. I would love a Mexican-style sandwich, a taco, a Mexican-style sandwich, nigga.
Speaker 1:You know, the next time I go to a truck that serves Mexican style sandwiches I want three Mexican style sandwiches with carne asada, cilantro, onions hold the sour cream hold the cheese.
Speaker 2:Bro, mexican style sandwiches, bruh. Alright, here we go, have to go down this goddamn road why the fuck that?
Speaker 1:person had that. Whoever was against that had a vendetta against that company. They did. He didn't like this motherfucker, he really.
Speaker 2:They were like oh, you think you're gonna expand your business, not today. Mexican fried chicken. Fried chicken, bro bitch I eat potatoes christ. All right, was it a good ending or a bad ending? We'll choose. What would you say?
Speaker 1:It was horrific Podcast at PCPrinciplescom. We are back live. We will be posting our live in the soon coming.
Speaker 2:We are live, we're live baby Podcast at PCPrinciplescom. Look for us next week to have a live stream on YouTube. We are getting official.
Speaker 1:You can probably search YouTube and Twitter PC Principles and you can probably find us on those handles.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we'll post a link on Twitter. Our Twitter's active. We have a Facebook. We're getting there. We're getting back up. A year ago we were on the cusp of greatness and we're going to come back to that cusp of greatness immediately. I don't give a shit this was a pedo and abuse week.
Speaker 1:All right, hide your wives.
Speaker 2:Hide your kids, hide your kids, hide your wives. Yeah, this is definitely a protect your children, don't let them be child stars, unless you're going to be right there hovering helicopter parents out of shit right, don't be stressed out on trying to be a trad wife unless you uh trad wife.
Speaker 1:That's so hurt unless you follow her.
Speaker 2:But chris fucking ideologies podcast at pcprinciplescom. Dude, if you have a problem with me not liking traditional fucking wives bro fuck you and message me my nigga. How about that? I'm with that. How about that? Y'all take it easy. We love you, thank you.